AI/ML Talk

GEC Gandhinagar , sector 28, near to animal vaccination center , KH - 7 circle, Gandhinagar, india, 382028

In this session, we'll embark on a journey exploring the fundamental concepts, differentiation, and the underlying mechanisms of how AI and ML operate. We'll delve into the intricate roadmap that guides the development of various algorithms, shedding light on the diverse landscape of this ever-evolving field. Additionally, we'll discuss the significance of libraries that play a crucial role in imp

Feb 20, 6:00 PM – Feb 21, 6:15 AM



Key Themes

Explore MLGeminiMachine Learning

About this event

As we embark on this intellectual journey, we'll not only scratch the surface but delve deep into the intricacies that distinguish AI from ML, unraveling the unique mechanisms that power these transformative technologies. Our roadmap will be paved with the intricate details of various algorithms, providing you with a nuanced understanding of their inner workings. In this landscape, we'll navigate through the vast array of libraries that serve as the backbone, transforming abstract concepts into tangible applications. To add an air of sophistication, we'll introduce some enchanting yet enigmatic words, demystifying their complexity and showcasing their pivotal roles in shaping the future of AI and ML. Get ready for an enriching and descriptive odyssey into the heart of artificial intelligence and machine learning!


  • Parth Parmar


  • Gunjan Tank

    GDSC Lead

  • Devansh Vora

    Core Team Member

  • Smit Rajani

    Core Team Member

  • Dhruvi Raj

    Core Team Member

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