Frontend web development study jam

Federal Polytechnic Nekede - Owerri, Nigeria

This is a workshop/study group that will cover all about frontend web development. This is a three-month program where students will learn about frontend web development covering markup languages like html and css. Also, the program will cover a programming language which is Javascript. Afterwards, students can choose their desired framework to further their knowledge on Javascript.

Feb 27, 6:00 – 7:30 PM

11 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

This is a workshop/study group that will cover all about frontend web development. This is a three-month program where students will learn about frontend web development covering markup languages like html and css. Also, the program will cover a programming language which is Javascript. Afterwards, students can choose their desired framework to further their knowledge on Javascript.


  • Ezinne Anne Emilia

    Fedponek chapter

    GDSC Lead 2023/24


  • Ezinne Onwuka

    GDSC Lead

  • Victor Abraham

    Android Lead

  • Michael Livingstone

    Program/Events Manager

  • Samuel Adex

    Web lead

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