Operations Research at Google - Progress and Challenges with the CP-SAT solver

ETH Zürich, Tannenstrasse 3 | ML Building - H 44, Zürich, 8006

ETH Zurich - Zurich, Switzerland

In this in-person tech talk, we are joined by Dr. Laurent Perron from GoogleAI's Operations Research team. We will explore how constraint programming (CP) and satisfiability (SAT) solvers have been merged in the award-winning CP-SAT solver engine from Google OR-Tools and will conclude with the challenges and research opportunities in front of us.

Dec 16, 2021, 1:15 – 3:00 PM

20 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentMachine Learning

About this event

In this speaker session, we are joined by Dr. Laurent Perron, the Tech Lead of Google's Operations Research (OR) team. Laurent is the main maintainer of Google's open source "OR-Tools" software, which includes the award-winning constraint programming and satisfiability (CP-SAT) solver.

CP-SAT won all gold medals in the Minizinc challenge in the tracks it participated in the last 4 years. It also proved 5 open problems in the MIPLIB 2017 suite, and improved bounds on a few more.

It achieved state of the art results on scheduling problems. In a sense, it realizes the old dream of having a good mixed-integer program (MIP) solver and a good CP solver in the same engine.

In this presentation, we will present how SAT technology has enabled this merging of the two techniques in a competitive way, and conclude with the challenges and research opportunities in front of us.

This event will take place in person at ETH Zürich. Only registered participants may attend the event, and masks must be worn at all times. A COVID certificate is required (vaccinated, recovered, or tested).

Please note that due to the current pandemic situation, the event may be canceled or postponed at short notice. In such a case, we will do our best to either host the event virtually or postpone to a future date that allows for in-person meeting.

PS: Join the event to receive a nice GDSC round sticker!

We hope to see you soon! 🤓



Thursday, December 16, 2021
1:15 PM – 3:00 PM UTC


  • Laurent Perron


    Software Engineer


  • Sarper Melik Ertekin

    ETH Zurich

    GDSC Lead

  • Arthur Serres

    ETH Zürich

    GDSC Lead

  • Bahar Açılan

    ETH Zürich

    GDSC Lead

  • Simon Sure

    ETH Zürich

    Core Team Member

  • Annina Oswald

    ETH Zurich

    Core Team Member

  • Marcel Pokorski

    ETH Zurich

    Core Team Member

  • Nicola Stella

    Core Team Member

  • JB Conan

    Core Team Member

  • Léon Noirclerc


    Core Team Member

  • Anna Stawiska

    Core Team Member

  • Athena Schumacher

    Core Team Member

  • Hugo Fabrègues

    Core Team Member

  • Eric Nerger

    ETH Zürich

    Core Team Member

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