Mapping the Human Body – From Medical Data to Precision Treatments with Snke OS

ETH Zurich - Zurich, Switzerland

Are you curios about learning how Snke OS builds a digital patient model to enable more precise treatments? In this talk, Dr. Jens Schmaler will discuss how they exploit computer vision, machine learning, simulations, and in-depth anatomical knowledge to construct such a holistic anatomical data model which follows the patient over the course of the treatment.

Key Themes

Machine Learning

About this event

In the age of digitization of medicine, the amount of data collected for any given patient is growing tremendously, with huge potential for ever more precise treatments and better patient care. In particular, modern imaging techniques are able to visualize the individual anatomical conditions of the patient at a fascinating level of detail. They are therefore at the core of precision planning and execution of many surgical procedures. However, exploiting this wealth of information to the best possible extent remains a big challenge. It requires smart algorithms to analyze images (2D, 3D, and even 4D), fuse information from different sources, and construct a consistent data model that the clinical user can interact with.

In this talk, Dr. Jens Schmaler will discuss how Snke OS exploits computer vision, machine learning, simulations, and in-depth anatomical knowledge to construct such a holistic anatomical data model which is not only valid at a given point in time, but even follows the patient over the course of the treatment.

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Thursday, April 28, 2022
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM UTC


Q&A and wrap-up


  • Dr. Jens Schmaler

    Snke OS GmbH

    Director R&D Data Intelligence


  • Sarper Melik Ertekin

    ETH Zurich

    GDSC Lead

  • Arthur Serres

    ETH Zürich

    GDSC Lead

  • Bahar Açılan

    ETH Zürich

    GDSC Lead

  • Simon Sure

    ETH Zürich

    Core Team Member

  • Annina Oswald

    ETH Zurich

    Core Team Member

  • Marcel Pokorski

    ETH Zurich

    Core Team Member

  • Nicola Stella

    Core Team Member

  • JB Conan

    Core Team Member

  • Léon Noirclerc


    Core Team Member

  • Anna Stawiska

    Core Team Member

  • Athena Schumacher

    Core Team Member

  • Hugo Fabrègues

    Core Team Member

  • Eric Nerger

    ETH Zürich

    Core Team Member

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