Machine Learning for Art Recognition with Google Engineer

ETH Zürich HG E 3, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, 8092

ETH Zurich - Zurich, Switzerland

Curious about machine learning applied to image and video data problems? In this talk, Zack Akil, machine learning engineer and developer advocate at Google, will dive into image and video data problems by presenting several use cases in the area of image recognition and visual computing as well as how to deploy an ML-powered service on (Google) cloud.

Key Themes

Google CloudMachine LearningSolution Challenge

About this event

Curious about machine learning applied to image and video data problems?

In this talk, Zack Akil, machine learning engineer and developer advocate at Google, will dive into image and video data problems by presenting several use cases in the area of image recognition and visual computing as well as how to deploy an ML-powered service on Google Cloud.

Art galleries are naturally very visual experiences, but they are usually accessed by typing text into search bars. What if you could simply use the image of an artwork and immediately see all the galleries that have similar pieces? With a few connected ML tools, Zack will show how you can build your own powerful visual search app using modern, scalable technology on Google Cloud. He will show practical applications of ML image embedding, Tensorflow, Vertex AI, Vertex AI Matching Engine and Firebase.

To finish, we will have an interactive workshop, in which Zack will show how you can take an idea and create an ML app from scratch with state-of-the-art models. Feel free to bring your laptop to code and create your own ML app using Tensorflow or just watch Zack create the app live while asking your questions about ML app development.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Wednesday, March 2, 2022
5:15 PM – 6:30 PM UTC


Building a visual art gallery search app with ML
Hands-on practical ML app building


  • Zack Akil


    ML Engineer & Developer Advocate


  • Sarper Melik Ertekin

    ETH Zurich

    GDSC Lead

  • Arthur Serres

    ETH Zürich

    GDSC Lead

  • Bahar Açılan

    ETH Zürich

    GDSC Lead

  • Simon Sure

    ETH Zürich

    Core Team Member

  • Annina Oswald

    ETH Zurich

    Core Team Member

  • Marcel Pokorski

    ETH Zurich

    Core Team Member

  • Nicola Stella

    Core Team Member

  • JB Conan

    Core Team Member

  • Léon Noirclerc


    Core Team Member

  • Anna Stawiska

    Core Team Member

  • Athena Schumacher

    Core Team Member

  • Hugo Fabrègues

    Core Team Member

  • Eric Nerger

    ETH Zürich

    Core Team Member

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