Cracking the coding interview (2nd session)

MetaForum 6.202, MF 14, Eindhoven University of Technology, Het Eeuwsel 53, Eindhoven, 5612 AZ

On Tuesday we will cover ArrayLists, LinkedLists and HashMaps and we will solve 3 problems together! Do not forget to bring your friend with you ;).

Jan 17, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 PM



Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Here is the approximate schedule: 

  1. December 13th (Arrays, Strings)
  2. January 17th (LinkedLists, HashTables, ArrayLists)
  3. January 31st (Stacks and queues)
  4. February 14th (Trees)
  5. February 28th (Prim's Kruskal's algorithm + more trees)
  6. March 14th (Intro to Graphs, Djikstra’s algorithm)
  7. March 28th (Graphs - DFS/BFS)
  8. April 11th (Sorting + topological sort, searching)
  9. April 25th (Greedy algorithms)
  10. May 9th (More greedy algorithms)
  11. May 23rd (Recursion/backtracking)
  12. June 6th (DP)
  13. June 20th (DP on trees)
  14. July 4th (Revision).


  • Zilvinas Aleksa

    GDSC Lead

  • Povilas Kazlauskas


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