#3 Hans Meeske: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & The Future in Tech

Explore innovation with Hans, leader at Holland Innovative and advocate for Brainport's startups. Learn how his journey from engineer to CEO impacts Eindhoven's tech scene, fosters startup growth, and positions the region on the global tech map.

Feb 25, 4:00 – 5:30 PM



Key Themes

Career Development

About this event


- The Holland Innovative Path: How Hans has helped shape tech innovation and boosted startups in Brainport.

- From Engineer to CEO: Hans's story from working on tech details to leading big projects, and what he learned.

- The Birth of Ideas: Looking into how big ideas start and grow in the tech world.

- Eindhoven and Europe in the tech world: Hearing from Hans on where Europe, and Eindhoven, stand in the global tech race.

- Making Your Mark in Tech: Advice for students and new entrepreneurs on turning ideas into real success, inspired by Hans's work in Eindhoven's tech community.

Prepare for a talk full of useful tips and insights from one of Eindhoven's top tech leaders, showing us how to really make a difference in the tech world

Thanks again, Hans, for coming and sharing your journey and insights:). 


  • Hans Meeske

    Holland Innovative

    Managing Director


  • Zilvinas Aleksa

    GDSC Lead

  • Povilas Kazlauskas


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