Certification Study Group - Associate Cloud Engineer Week 1

Egyptian E-Learning University - Menoufia, Egypt

Certification Study Groups are weekly events over 6 weeks designed for people who want to prepare for a Google Cloud certification. Join this Study Group to learn more and prepare for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification.

Apr 17, 2023, 8:00 – 9:30 PM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Cloud Study JamGoogle Cloud

About this event

Certification Study Groups are weekly events over 6 weeks designed for people who want to prepare for a Google Cloud certification. Join this Study Group to learn more and prepare for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification.

The Certification Study Group offers:

6 live sessions to go through certification content and exam questions.

Online community where you can ask questions and share your knowledge. ==> https://bit.ly/gdg-cloud-rgdc-slack

Video courses and hands-on training on Cloud Skills Boost, Google Cloud training platform.

1 Free Certification Voucher

+5 Gift Boxes

If you missed our Info Session Please, check the recording here ==> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dEvB5yBrVs

If you want to learn more about other Google Cloud training opportunities offered by Google Developer Groups, please visit this page: gdg.community.dev/road-to-google-dev-certification/

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  • John Aziz

    GDG Cloud Egypt

    Cloud Expert


  • Ahmed Shatat

    Google DSC EELU-Menoufia

    GDSC Lead

  • Alaa Youssef Nassar

    Google DSC EELU Menoufia Founder


  • Mariam Gamal

    Human Resources

  • Mohamed Wael

    Iris media production

    Graphic Designer

  • Marwan Mohammed

    GDSC Cairo

    Public Relations

  • Nour Sallam

    Graphic Designer

  • Hoda Sakr

    Content Writer

  • habiba Abd Elmonam

    Content Writer

  • Mariam Mahmoud

    Human Resources

  • yasmeen eldeeb

    Human Resources

  • Samaa Shreif

    Human Resources

  • ali kabaly

    Graphic Designer

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