Data Visualization with Python

Ecole Nationale des Sciences et Technologies Avancées à Borj Cédria - Borj Cédria, Tunisia

Learn how to turn your data into beautiful plots!

Key Themes

Explore MLMachine Learning

About this event

Are you interested in data sience?  Are you looking for a training to develop your technical skills?

You are in the right place! We are organizing a trainning session on "Data Visualization with Python" delivered by Nour Ben Said. She is an Advanced technologies engineering student and the AI & ML Lead at GDSC ENSTAB. 

Join us on the 2nd of march 2023, on google meet and learn how to turn your data into beautiful plots!

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Jasser Nasraoui

    GDSC Lead

  • eya Herki

    General Secretary

  • ayed yasmine


  • naouali dhia

    Dev-Ops Co-lead

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    Mobile-Dev Co-lead

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    AI&ML Co-lead

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    Project Manager

  • eya taouali


  • mokhless alyani

    Web-Dev Co-lead

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    Media & Content Creation Co-lead

  • al walid

    Logistic Manager

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