Flutter-ious February (Day 1)

D.Y. Patil College of Engineering - Pune, India

Welcome to our Flutter event!! Join us as we dive into the exciting world of Flutter, an open-source framework for building high-performance, beautiful, and cross-platform mobile apps. In this event, you'll learn from an experienced freelance developer Akshay Kumar who is also a devfest and workshop speaker for Flutter & Firebase.

Feb 11, 2023, 12:15 – 4:30 PM

48 RSVP'd


Key Themes

FirebaseFlutterFlutter Forward Extended

About this event

Welcome to our Flutter event!! Join us as we dive into the exciting world of Flutter, an open-source framework for building high-performance, beautiful, and cross-platform mobile apps. In this event, you'll learn from an experienced freelance developer Akshay Kumar who is also a devfest and workshop speaker for Flutter & Firebase.

We'll cover the basics of the Flutter framework, how to develop an app live, how to use its powerful widgets, and how to integrate with popular APIs and services. You'll also have the opportunity to ask questions and get hands-on with challenges and demos.

Whether you're an experienced developer looking to take your skills to the next level, or just starting out and curious about the world of app development, this workshop is for you. So don't miss out and join us for an exciting and educational experience with Flutter!

Here's what you will be learning in Flutter workshop🚀!!-

Day 1-

1) Dart Basics

2) Flutter basics

•creation of project

• project structure explanation

•what is widget tree

•two types of widget

•building layout with widgets

3) Navigation


  • Akshay Kumar U


    Flutter Developer


  • Varsha Kotipalli

    GDSC Lead

  • Ayush Gandhewar

    DSA-CP Lead

  • Onkar Waghmode

    Web developement Lead

  • Atharva Rekhawar

    Web Development Lead

  • Shrawan Saproo


    Cloud Lead

  • Shruti Dikkar

    Android Lead

  • Prateek Giddaplavar

    AI-ML Lead

  • Ayush Ahire

    Cybersecurity Lead

  • Neelam Pawar

    PR & Content Lead

  • Abhishek Holambe


    PR & Content Lead

  • Pradyumna Maydeo

    D.Y Patil Educational Complex Akurdi

    Media Lead

  • Nikita Thakur

    Design Lead

  • Kartik Bankar

    Design Lead

  • Rahul Mourya

    Design Lead

  • Soham Vadje

    Management & Sponsorship Lead

  • Arpan Yeole

    D Y PAtil College of Engineering

    Management & Sponsorship Lead

  • Vaibhav Patil


    Management & Sponsorship Lead

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