Learn GitHub Basics: Manage Your Project Code Better!

Djilali Bounaama University - Khemis Miliana, Algeria

πŸš€ Let's explore GitHub basics! Join us to learn how to store your project code securely and work together with your team in real-time. Get ready for an exciting session on making the most out of GitHub for your projects!

Mar 26, 9:00 – 10:00 PM

1 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentOpen Source

About this event

πŸš€ Let's dive into GitHub Basics!

Are you finding it hard to handle your final study project's code and collaborate effectively with your team? Don't worry! In this workshop, we'll introduce you to GitHub and show you how it can make managing your project a breeze.

πŸ“… Date: March 26st

πŸ•₯ Time 10:30 PM

🌐 Platform: Google Meet

During this session, you'll discover:

Introduction to GitHub: Get started with GitHub by learning about repositories, branches, commits, and pull requests.

Real-time Collaboration: Explore how GitHub helps your team work together smoothly, allowing you to edit code simultaneously and keep track of changes easily.

Code Storage and Version Control: Understand why keeping track of different versions of your code is important and how GitHub makes it simple, letting you save changes and go back to earlier versions if needed.

Improved Project Management: Find out how GitHub's project management tools can help you keep your project organized, with features like issue tracking, project boards, and milestones.

Benefits of GitHub: Discover the advantages of using GitHub for your projects, such as increased productivity and teamwork, and creating a better environment for development.

Don't miss this chance to improve your project management skills and take your final study project to the next level with GitHub! 🌟😎


  • Abdellah Massoun



  • Abdellah Massoun

    GDSC Lead

  • Samir Tadjer

    Software engineer department leader

  • GHENNAM Mohamed Cherif

    media department leader

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