Android Basics With Kotlin

Boğaziçi University - Istanbul, Türkiye

We are starting a 6 week journey for android basics with kotlin. We'll have courses and workshops to improve our kotlin skills during this time.

Key Themes


About this event

Our development leads Başak and Asım will be your guides through Android Basics with Kotlin. It is going to be an at least 6 week event. We will guide you through a curriculum, and create opprtunities for you to practice your newly learned skills. After gaining this skills you can have the chance to be in our Solution Challenge Team! 
We will gather every Thursday night, talk about the subjects and do some projects to improve our skills. Other than our gatherings you will need the practice them at your own time at your own pace of course! We will also provide some sources for you to study by yourselves.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Asım Dağ

    GDSC Boğaziçi

    Development Team Lead

  • Başak Tepe

    GDSC Boğaziçi

    Development Team Lead


  • Başar Çelebi

    GDSC Facilitator


  • Beyza Nur Deniz

    GDSC Lead

  • Özge Zengin

    ML Team Lead

  • Mete Keleş

    ML Team Lead

  • Başak Tepe

    Development Team Lead

  • Asım Dağ

    Development Team Lead

  • Işıl Su Karakuzu

    Algorithm Team Lead

  • Ataberk Yanardağ

    Algorithm Team Lead

  • Şule KÖROĞLU

    PR&Organization Team Lead

  • Selin Boyacı

    PR&Organization Team Lead

  • Yağmur Kozan

    PR&Organization Team Lead

  • Zahit Dikkaya

    PR&Organization Team Lead

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