Algorithm Lecture Series

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kuzey Kampüsü, 7 Hisar Üstü Nispetiye Caddesi, Sarıyer, 34342

Boğaziçi University - Istanbul, Türkiye

We are starting a 6 week journey on algorithms. There will be problem sessions, contest weeks and face to face lectures during this time.

Nov 17, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 PM

2 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

We are embarking on a 6-week journey focused on algorithms, featuring a combination of problem sessions, contest weeks, and face-to-face lectures. These lectures and problem sessions will be facilitated by experienced students in competitive programming. The lectures will be exclusively conducted by students from Boğaziçi University, but we may have guest speakers from other universities for online problem sessions.

Throughout the program, we will provide weekly homework assignments and host biweekly contests to reinforce your learning. We will start with the fundamentals, covering topics such as time complexity, brute force, and search and sort algorithms. We will then delve into basic data structures and explore essential mathematical concepts. The journey will progress to dynamic programming and culminate with a focus on graph algorithms.

No prior knowledge is required for participation in the beginner level, except for a basic understanding of a programming language, preferably Python or C++. We're excited to help you build a strong foundation in algorithms over the next six weeks.

However, we strongly recommend prior knowledge in algorithms for attendees of our intermediate-level lectures. To help you assess your readiness, we've attached some problems to the application form that should give you an idea of the level of knowledge required.

To ensure a smooth transition and to provide a review for everyone, we will begin the program with an introduction lecture on data structures and mathematics. Subsequently, we'll progress into more advanced topics, such as graph algorithms and dynamic programming, during our lectures. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of these advanced algorithmic concepts, so participants can gain a deeper insight into the world of competitive programming


  • Beyza Nur Deniz

    GDSC Boğaziçi Lead

  • Ataberk Yanardağ

    GDSC Boğaziçi

    Algorithm Team Lead


  • Başar Çelebi

    GDSC Facilitator


Algoleague logo



  • Beyza Nur Deniz

    GDSC Lead

  • Özge Zengin

    ML Team Lead

  • Mete Keleş

    ML Team Lead

  • Başak Tepe

    Development Team Lead

  • Asım Dağ

    Development Team Lead

  • Işıl Su Karakuzu

    Algorithm Team Lead

  • Ataberk Yanardağ

    Algorithm Team Lead

  • Şule KÖROĞLU

    PR&Organization Team Lead

  • Selin Boyacı

    PR&Organization Team Lead

  • Yağmur Kozan

    PR&Organization Team Lead

  • Zahit Dikkaya

    PR&Organization Team Lead

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