30 Days of Google Cloud

Birsa Institute of Technology - Dhanbad, India

Google Cloud Platform enables developers to build, test and deploy applications on Google's highly-scalable and reliable infrastructure. Users can choose from a wide range of services including computing, storage and application services for your web, mobile and backend solutions. Its benefits include Innovative Infrastructure, Managed service, Developer Tools, SDKS and scalability.

Sep 20, 2021, 12:30 PM – Oct 27, 2021, 12:30 PM

183 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Google Cloud

About this event

Cloud Enthusiasts can kickstart their journey with the cloud and get hands-on labs on Google Cloud Platform, which is used by services like Google Search, Gmail, and YouTube, with the collaboration between Google Cloud and Developer Students Club (DSC). They'll learn and experience cloud concepts such as computing, big data, application development, and machine learning along the way.  As the name suggests, the program lasts for 30 days from 27th September’21 to 27th October’21. It consists of a series of missions (a collection of labs) that must be finished within a certain amount of time. They also get a chance to win some cool Google cloud goodies.

Program Syllabus:

The Program is divided into two Tracks:

Track 1: Fundamentals of Google Cloud

It consists of six skills, each of which is represented by a badge:

1. Create & Manage Cloud Resources.

2. Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud. 

3. Setup & Configure Cloud Environments in Google Cloud. 

4. Deploy & Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud. 

5. Build & Secure Networks in Google Cloud. 

Track 2: Application of Cloud in ML and AI

It consists of six skills, each of which is represented by a badge:

1. Create & Manage Cloud Resources.

2. Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud.

3. Insights from Data with BigQuery.

4. Engineer Data in Google Cloud.

5. Integrate with Machine Learning APIs.

6. Explore Machine Learning Models with Explainable AI.

Supporting content:-

Slides:- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1soLBxrylUclIVjq4bKMVEbaZxRamlTIo/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114721739096252175101&rtpof=true&sd=true

Github resource:- https://github.com/GDSC-BIT-Sindri/30-Days-Google-Cloud-Campaign

Know more about it at:-



  • Soumik Ghoshal

    GDSC Lead

  • Mohit Pandey

    Web Dev Lead

  • Priyanshu Katyayni

    App Dev Lead

  • Ruma Karn

    Management Lead

  • Ruchi Priya

    AI/ML Lead

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