Flutter Fridays

Bingham University - New Karu, Nigeria

Taking the Flutter sessions to the next level.

Feb 24, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

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About this event

Flutter Fridays is a weekly event series that builds upon the foundational knowledge introduced in our introductory event, 'The Bits and Pieces.' If you're looking to dive deeper into mobile app development, then Flutter Fridays is the perfect place for you! Each week, we'll explore a different aspect of developing with Flutter, Google's popular UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop. From building custom widgets to integrating with backend services, you'll gain hands-on experience and learn valuable skills that will set you apart as a mobile app developer. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, join us every Friday for an engaging and informative session.


  • Barka Tatama

    Faculty Advisor

  • Lottaaa Chuka

    GDSC Lead

  • Victoria Essien

    DirectEd Development

    GDSC Co-Lead || UI-UX Lead

  • Chukwuka Osamor

    Web Development Lead

  • Musaga Technology

    Blockchain Lead

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