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Know About Google Solution Challenge

Bhilai Institute of Technology - Raipur, India

The mission of the Solution Challenge is to solve for one or more of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals using Google technology. Solution Challenge is open to GDSC members from universities all over.

Key Themes

AndroidAngularSolution ChallengeWeb

About this event

the Google Solution Challenge is an annual competition organized by Google to encourage students to develop innovative solutions using Google technologies. Please note that the details might have evolved since then, so I recommend checking the latest information on Google's official website or other reliable sources.

Here are the general features of the Google Solution Challenge as of my last update:


The main goal of the Google Solution Challenge is to encourage students to use their creativity and problem-solving skills to address real-world problems using Google technologies.


The competition is typically open to university students around the world. Participants often form teams, and each team is expected to propose and implement a solution.


Projects submitted to the Google Solution Challenge usually involve the use of various Google technologies and platforms, such as Google Cloud, Google Maps, Google Assistant, TensorFlow, Android, and more. The choice of technologies may vary from year to year.


Projects can cover a wide range of categories, including but not limited to health, education, environment, accessibility, and social issues. The specific categories may be defined by Google for each competition cycle.

Submission Process:

Participants are required to submit a detailed proposal of their project, including the problem they are addressing, the technology stack they plan to use, and the potential impact of their solution. Google typically provides guidelines and submission instructions.

Judging Criteria:

Projects are evaluated based on various criteria, including innovation, technical implementation, impact, scalability, and use of Google technologies. Judges, often comprised of experts from Google and the tech industry, review and score the submissions.


Winners of the Google Solution Challenge are typically awarded prizes, which may include mentorship opportunities, Google devices, and sometimes cash prizes. The recognition from Google can also be a valuable asset for the participants' resumes and future endeavors.


The competition usually follows a timeline with specific dates for proposal submissions, project development, judging, and the announcement of winners.

It's important to check the official Google Solution Challenge website for the most up-to-date information, including any changes to the format, eligibility criteria, or other details specific to the current year's competition.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Siddhant Shukla

    GDSC Lead

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    Graphic Designer


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    Data Science and ML Lead

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    Community Guide

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    UI/UX Lead

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