Boot camp Android (workshop 2)

computer science Benha University, Benha location next to the College of Applied Arts, benha, 13512

Benha University - Benha, Egypt

practice in kotlin oop

Feb 13, 2022, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

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About this event

practice in kotlin oop


  • Said Elhadidi

    GDSC Benha

    GDSC Lead

  • Rana Mohamed

    Co-Lead Non-technical

  • Mohamed Diaa

    Co-Lead Technical

  • Mohamed Tamer

    Head HR

  • Fatima Usama

    Vice Head HR

  • Youssef Selim

    Head Marketing

  • Abdelrhman azazy

    Head logistics

  • Mohamed Elbaiomy

    Head Flutter

  • islam essam

    Head Cyber Security

  • Omar Ayman

    Head Problem Solving

  • Karim Tariq

    Vice Head Cyber Security

  • Saher Ali

    Head Data Analysis

  • Mohamed Sayed Sakr

    Vice Head Flutter

  • Shima _Noufal

    Head UI/UX

  • arwa fikry



  • Manar Mostafa

    Head Front-End

  • Rana Soliman

    Head PR

  • GDSC Benha University

    Technical Support

  • Ahmed Yasser

    Vice Head Marketing

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