Discover your path in tech

Bayero University Kano - Kano, Nigeria

"Where do I start?" That's an obvious question when you're considering a technology career. Sometimes, it can be a little overwhelming finding a path to stick with, which is why we here at DSC-BUK are trying to make things easier for you! Join us this Saturday in a panel discussion with outstanding professionals in various technology career paths.

Nov 14, 2020, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

81 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidCareer DevelopmentMachine LearningWeb

About this event

"Where do I start?"

That's an obvious question when you're considering a technology career.

Today’s technology is a booming market full of exciting and innovative products and new learning opportunities. It can be a little overwhelming finding a path to stick with, which is why we here at DSC-BUK are trying to make things easier for you!

Arrive at your goals faster, with more confidence, and at your own pace. 

Join us this Saturday in a panel discussion with outstanding professionals in various technology career paths. 

Our speakers  will discuss the roles of a:

Fullstack Developer,

Front-End Developer,

Mobile Developer, &

Data Scientist.

And the prerequisite skills for each of these tracks.


  • Sarafadeen Ibrahim

    Linode, Lambdatest, etc — Freelance/Remote

    GDSC Lead

  • Jibril Wuya

    Community Relations Manager

  • Barakat Omolara

    Events Lead

  • Mohammed Al Ameen

    Technical Lead

  • Munir Abdullahi

    Member, Events team

  • Awodi Abdulmujeeb

    Hybrid Tech

    Graphics Lead

  • Amina A Zubair

    Public Relations & Partnerships

  • Kadir Abdulkudus

    Member, Technical team



    Member, Events team

  • Ibrahim Yabagi Habib

    Member, Technical team


    Member, Community Relations team

  • Khabab Adelere

    Graphics Co-Lead

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