Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

We will introduce what Google Developer Student Clubs are and briefly summarize what will be done during the semester.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Emirhan Hasırcı

    GDSC Lead

  • Şüheda Kızıları

    bartın University


  • Baran Gülegen

    Sponsorship and Organization Team

  • Elif Ataseven Ataseven

    Sponsorship and Organization Team

  • Ahmet Karaaslanoğlu

    Tech Team

  • Mustafa Eğilmez

    Bartın üniversitesi GDSC

    Tech Team

  • Tuğçe Mukul

    Sponsorship and Organization Team

  • Gülşen Gürbüz

    Sponsorship and Organization Team

  • Havva Yalçın

    Sponsorship and Organization Team

  • MuhammeT CORUT

    Socical media Team

  • semanur davarcı

    Social Media Team

  • Noufal Rizka

    Design Team

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