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GDSC BEU Infosession

Baku Engineering University - Khirdalan, Azerbaijan

The GDSC Infosession event is a brief, informative gathering aimed at introducing students to the Google Developer Student Clubs. During this event, attendees can expect to learn about the club's mission, activities, and the benefits of joining, including access to tech workshops, hackathons, and opportunities to connect with fellow students passionate about technology.

Key Themes


About this event

The GDSC BEU Infosession event was a comprehensive and insightful gathering that took place online via Google Meet, making it accessible to students from diverse locations. This virtual event served as a window into the world of the Google Developer Student Clubs, offering participants an in-depth look at the club's objectives and activities.

During the session, attendees had the chance to delve into the club's mission, which is centered around fostering a vibrant community of tech enthusiasts and providing them with invaluable opportunities for growth. The Infosession highlighted the myriad benefits of joining GDSC BEU, including access to a wide range of tech workshops and hackathons, which are perfect for honing coding skills and exploring innovative projects.

One of the standout features of this online Infosession was the chance to connect with like-minded students who share a passion for technology and software development. It provided a platform for networking and collaboration, allowing attendees to form meaningful connections with peers who are equally enthusiastic about the tech industry.

Overall, the GDSC BEU Infosession held via Google Meet was an enriching experience that unveiled the club's exciting offerings and encouraged students to embark on a journey of learning, creativity, and innovation in the world of technology. Whether attendees were beginners looking to kickstart their tech careers or seasoned developers seeking to expand their horizons, this event was a gateway to a thriving community dedicated to all things tech-related.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Nabi Shirinov

    GDSC Lead

  • Fidan Mahmudlu


  • Ayxan Ələkbərov

    Technology Team Lead

  • Ibrahim Hasanzada

    PR Team Lead

  • Murad İbrahimov

    Organization Team Lead

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