Javascript Hands-On Session

Bajaj Institute of Technology, Arvi Road, Wardha, 442001

Bajaj Institute of Technology - Wardha, India

Join Ninad and Aditya as they dive deep into the world of JavaScript, unlocking its secrets and unleashing its power! JavaScript is not just another programming language; it's the backbone of modern web development, allowing you to create dynamic, interactive, and engaging web applications.

Mar 9, 8:30 – 11:30 AM

13 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentWeb

About this event

1. Introduction to JavaScript

- What is JavaScript?

- Brief history and evolution of JavaScript.

- Importance and applications of JavaScript in web development.

2. Basic Concepts

- Variables and data types (string, number, boolean, etc.).

- Operators (arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, etc.).

- Comments and basic syntax.

3. Control Flow

- Conditional statements (if-else, switch-case).

- Loops (for, while, do-while).

- Break and continue statements.

4. Functions

- Defining functions.

- Parameters and arguments.

- Return statements.

- Function expressions and arrow functions.

5. Arrays

- Creating arrays.

- Accessing and modifying array elements.

- Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, etc.).

6. Objects

- Creating objects.

- Accessing object properties.

- Object methods.

- Object iteration ( loop).

7. DOM Manipulation

- What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?

- Selecting elements from the DOM.

- Modifying element properties and attributes.

- Handling events (click, hover, submit, etc.).

8. Hands-On Project : Drum Kit - Demonstrating Event Listener in JavaScript



Saturday, March 9, 2024
8:30 AM – 11:30 AM UTC


  • Aditya Dhage

    GDSC LEAD 23'

  • Ninad Lunge


    Technical Lead


  • Aditya Dhage

    GDSC Lead

  • Ritesh Upate

    Video Editing Lead

  • Anushka Tiwari

    Content Lead

  • Ninad Lunge

    Technical Lead

  • Shrawani Wagh

    Graphic Design Lead

  • Pranav Pathekar

    Technical Co-Lead

  • Inshal Sheikh

    Management Lead

  • Siddesh Purohit

    Bajaj Institute of Technology, Wardha

    Photography Lead

  • Chanchal Hiwanj

    Cybersecurity and Networking Mentor

  • suyash patalbansi

    Web Development Mentor

  • Bhavesh Anandpara

    AI/ML Mentor

  • Vishnu Mate

    App Development Mentor

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