Learn Google Cloud / Machine learning - receive badges and internships!

Astana IT University - Astana, Kazakhstan

Learn Google Cloud / Machine learning - receive badges and internships!

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentCloud Study JamExplore MLGoogle CloudML Study JamMachine Learning

About this event


Join certification study telegram group! https://t.me/+JnnglsEmqNIxMjFi

How is it? Living in Central Asia Working for the World. We will discuss with Aidana Djalilova Team lead & Bus Dev Manager | ololo Group. ololo Group is a future global home for digital nomads. 

Moderators: Ansar Khangeldin (GDG Cloud Astana), Askar Aituov (DevRel Coordinator Google for Central Asia & Mongolia)

Learn Google Cloud / Machine learning - receive badges and internships! https://rsvp.withgoogle.com/events/google_cloud_ml_learning_ca/home

1. Go to cloudskillsboost.google to receive free training & earn badges

2. Get to the list of top 20 people earned the most badges and receive guaranteed internship at Central Asia Partner companies

3. Each badge you earn submit here. Submit five badges and receive a certificate

4. Top performers list will be published bi weekly on this web-site.

5. Awards ceremony in July and November will be.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Aidana Djalilova

    ololo Group

    Business Development Manager


  • Askar Aituov


    Dev Rel coordinator for Dev Communities and Accelerator

  • Ansar Khangeldin




  • Zarina Nurzhanova


    GDSC Lead

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