introduction to git and github

Assiut University - Assiut, Egypt

Version Control Popular VS tools Introduction to Git [HOL] Popular remote servers Introduction to GitHub (HOL)

Sep 26, 2020, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

39 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

Break the limits.. Expand your work💥

This will be the main concept of the upcoming workshops ⚡

Discussing Version control "Git", understanding all aspects and linking it to GitHub 💢🏃

GitHub is a developing and facilitator tool that introduces you to get your work done faster and easier📨

Enables developers to update programs, follow up, and control their sharable work.

How could you get in touch with all these advantages !?

Just use the reservation link to enroll in our "githup session" with

"Eng/ Mario Gamal" 🔥👇

من أهم الأدوات أو الخدمات المستخدمة فى العالم التكنولوجى هى خدمة version control "Git"

وهى وسيلة بتعتمد فى أساسها على إنجاز الشغل بطريقة أسهل وأسرع ودا لأنها بتسمحلك برفع شغلك ومشاركته مع زمايلك للتعديل عليه👏💯

ولو انت مطور برامج بتوفرلك الإمكانية لتطوير وتحسين او تغيير البرنامج واستخدامها كنظام للتحكم فى التعديلات مع زمايلك⚡

كل دا هنتطرق ليه ونبدأ نتعامل بيه ونلمس مميزاته من خلال workshop بسيطة نفهم منها كل اللى يخص git& GitHup مع م/ماريو جمال🔥#DSC_Assiut






    Mobile Software Engineer | JustClean - Kuwait

    Mobile Software Engineer


  • Abdelrhman Eyad

    GDSC Assiut



  • Abdalrhman Reda

    Head of Flutter team

  • Salma Osama

    GDSC Lead

  • Hanaa Yafez

    Graphic designer

  • Mariam Hassan

    Head of HRM Committee

  • Mohamed Ahmed Abdelhameed

    Human resources manager

  • Asala Osman

    Graphic designer

  • Dalia Yasser

    Public relations committee

  • Omnia Esmat


    Human resources manager

  • Mohamed Gad

    Member of Social media committee

  • Kirolos Ayman

    Member of data science and machine learning team

  • Manar Serri

    Member of public relations team

  • Sarah Ahmed

    Flutter team

  • Alaa Sayed

    Human resources manager

  • mahmoud rafat

    Cyber security team instructor

  • Ashraf Hussien

    Human Recourses Manager

  • Hatem Mohamed

    GDSC Assiut University Co-Lead

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