GDSC Machine Learning Exploration Track (First Session : Intro to Data Science )

You’ll learn all about the concept of ML, to clearly understand how these algorithms work beside implementing it yourself on Google cloud platform .

Sep 10, 2021, 6:30 – 8:30 PM



Key Themes

Google CloudMachine Learning

About this event

Scroll down for English 👇

مساء الخير يا شغوف التكنولوجيا✨

بعد ما عرفناك عن ال event بتاعنا و ايه هو المحتوي الي هنقدمه و فرصتك في هدايا Google الي هنقدمها بعد اكتمالك لل sessions احب اعرفك دلوقتي بال Content و ال Speakers بتوع اول session :

⚠️تنبيه بس انت كمبتدأ مش محتاج منك أن يكون عند خلفيه قويه الكورس معمول للمبتدئين

~مقدم ال session الأول هو م/عبد الرحمن إياد

🔹عبدالرحمن هو طالب في كلية الحاسبات والمعلومات بجامعة أسيوط بمصر و هو مؤسس نادي الطلبة المطورين في جامعة أسيوط و سفير Microsoft Learn بالجامعة، عبدالرحمن من المهتمين بالحوسبة السحابية

🔹اكونت ال LinkedIn ⤵️

🔸هنتعرف مع عبد الرحمن عن ال Google cloud بكل التفاصيل لانه حاجه اساسيه في ال machine learning لازم نتعلمها و هتفدنا كتير.

~مقدم التاني معانا هتكون م/مارجو صبري

🔹مارجو بتكون عضو الفريق الأساسي لعلوم البيانات والتعلم الآلي في Google Developer

🔹 رئيس فريق المعلوماتية الحيوية في نادي الطلاب بجامعة أسيوط .

🔹مهندس المعلوماتية الحيوية وعضو المجتمع في H3ABioNet

اكونت ال LinkedIn ⤵️

🔸هنتعرف مع مارجو عن حجات كتير من بعضها : معني ال data science بالامثله ، معني ال big data ، انواع ال data، ال technical skills لل data science و حجات كتير اوي هنعرفها اكتر و هنستفاد منها كتير في المجال.

بكده انا اكون عرفتكم عن محتوي اول session الي هيقدملك استفاده كبيره و هتعرف أساسيات كتير منه هنبني وراها كتير. منتظرينك انت و اصحابك ✨

Hey there everyone!

After you've known about us and about our machine learning event, now I'll introduce to you our content in the first session, and your opportunity to earn Google gifts after finishing this course.

⚠️ Alert: you don't need have a strong basics you just need to some of enthusiasm.

~the first speaker with us is Eng.Abdelrhman Eyad

🔹Abdelrhman is a computer science student at the faculty of computer and information at Assiut University.

🔹 Google developer student club lead at Assiut University

🔹Alpha Microsoft Learn student ambassador at the university

🔹His LinkedIn profile:⤵️

~The content with Abdelrahman will be :

🔸What's ''Google cloud 101''? You will learn everything about it. A basic that will help us alot.

~The second speaker will be Eng. Margo Sabry

🔹Margo is a Data science and Machine learning core team member at Google Developer

🔹Head of Bioinformatics team.

🔹Bioinformatician engineer and community member at H3ABioNet.

🔹Her LinkedIn page:⤵️

~Content of the session with Margo will be:

🔸 What is Data Science ?

🔸 What is Big Data ?

🔸Traditional vs. Big data types

🔸Types of Data

🔸Data Formats/Sources

🔸Data Science Example

🔸Data Scientist Technical Skills

There's all the content of our first session, what you are waiting for now? We are waiting for and your friends✨














Friday, September 10, 2021
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM UTC


Roadmap and Track Structure
Intro to Data Science
Cloud 101


  • Omar Salah

    Machine Learning Engineer

  • Margo Sabry

    GDSC Assiut

    software engineer

  • Abdelrahman Eyad

    Mentor GDSC Assuit University


Ain Shams University for Engineering logo

Ain Shams University for Engineering

Ain Shams University logo

Ain Shams University

Egyptian Chinese University logo

Egyptian Chinese University

Future Academy logo

Future Academy

Portsaid University logo

Portsaid University

Canadian International College logo

Canadian International College

Tebas Academy logo

Tebas Academy


  • Abdalrhman Reda

    Head of Flutter team

  • Salma Osama

    GDSC Lead

  • Hanaa Yafez

    Graphic designer

  • Mariam Hassan

    Head of HRM Committee

  • Mohammed Ali Rayan

    Human resources manager

  • Mohamed Ahmed Abdelhameed

    Human resources manager

  • Asala Osman

    Graphic designer

  • Dalia Yasser

    Public relations committee

  • Omnia Esmat


    Human resources manager

  • Mohamed Gad

    Member of Social media committee

  • Kirolos Ayman

    Member of data science and machine learning team

  • Manar Serri

    Member of public relations team

  • Sarah Ahmed

    Flutter team

  • Alaa Sayed

    Human resources manager

  • mahmoud rafat

    Cyber security team instructor

  • Ashraf Hussien

    Human Recourses Manager

  • Hatem Mohamed

    GDSC Assiut University Co-Lead

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