
Enliven is 36 hrs hackathon based on UN's 17 SDGs . Aligning with the Google Solution Challenge theme, it will provide students a platform to showcase their skills and solve the real world problem. Participants have to submit their project based on given themes. Top 3 performers will be given cash prizes and amazing goodies. For more information go to https://enliven.gdscait.com/

Feb 9, 6:30 AM – Feb 18, 6:15 PM



Key Themes

AndroidFirebaseFlutterMachine LearningSolution ChallengeUI / UXWeb

About this event

Enliven is 36 hrs hackathon based on UN's 17 SDGs . Aligning with the Google Solution Challenge theme, it will provide students a platform to showcase their skills and solve the real world problem. Participants have to submit their project based on given themes. Top 3 performers will be given cash prizes and amazing goodies.


  • Nikita Kumari


    GDSC Lead

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