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Info Session about Google Developers Solution Challenge

AUIB, CAS Auditorium, AUIB, Airport Street, Baghdad, 12331

American University of Iraq - Baghdad, Iraq

A special session dedicated to introducing you to the Google Developers Solution Challenge, an incredible opportunity for you to showcase your skills and creativity. This challenge is designed to inspire innovation and problem-solving through technology.

Key Themes

AccessibilityCareer Development

About this event

In a dynamic and insightful session, students were introduced to the Google Developers Solution Challenge, an extraordinary platform designed to ignite their passion for innovation and problem-solving through technology. The event delved into the core objectives of the challenge, showcasing impactful success stories from past participants.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Monday, November 20, 2023
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM UTC


  • Muqtada Majeed

    GDSC Lead

  • yusif alsaadi

    Head of social media and marketing

  • Anas Aldolimi

    Event organizer

  • Zain Abotiheen

    Head of Event Planning

  • Ameer Ghassan

    senior Designer

  • Narjis H

    Event Organizer

  • Teba Bashar

    Photographer and Marketing

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