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Desktop Application

University of Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen - Tlemcen, Algeria

Theoretical/ practical session under the name "Desktop Application" in th epresence of the expert in this field "Mohamed Loumi"

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

This session will be theoretical and practical rganized by GDSC M'sila Club as a part of collaboration between three GDSCs in Algeria (GDSC Tlemcen, GDSC M'sila, GDSC Khemis Miliana)
Under the name "Desktop Application" in the presence of the expert in this field "Mohamed Loumi"

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Mohamed Loumi

    GDSC M'sila

    Developement Dept Core team member


  • Hamidi Mohammed

    GDSC Lead

  • Mohsen Ghalem


  • Mohamed Adnane Benzerdjeb

    Design manager

  • Boumediene Rekkab

    Organization manager

  • Abdelghani Yacine BARKA


    Content manager | Mobile Apps Developer

  • omar zakaria Hadj slimane

    GDSC Tlemcen

    Content team

  • yassine belbachir

    Content team

  • Fetheddine Addad

    Organization team

  • Yacine Bendjebbar

    Organization team

  • Ahmed Berramdane

    Organization team

  • Dib mohammed el-hadi


    Organization team

  • Marwa Boucham

    Design team

  • BENRAHOU Fatima Zahra

    Design team

  • Manel Sahi

    Organization team

  • Camellia Kamli

    Design team

  • mohammed mounir abid

    Organization team

  • Khansaa Abderrahim

    Organization team

  • Nour Mokrani

    External relation team

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