Grokking OpenSource With Github

ABES Institute of Technology - Ghaziabad, India

Intro to the Session Deep dive into Git About GSOC & Hacktoberfest

Sep 9, 2021, 12:00 – 1:30 PM

28 RSVP'd


Key Themes

About this event

This is a friendly introduction to Github – a free and open source platform that can help you build projects that are collaborative, well documented, and version-controlled. In this workshop we will introduce you to the Github ecosystem and help you get you comfortable navigating basic Github workflows. We will make sure that you leave the workshop aware of the best practices for developing projects on Github (e.g. writing a good “readme” or posting and labeling issues) and an understanding of how Github can help make your projects more readable and accessible. This workshop is developed for anyone looking for a solution to making projects – whether it be your research on arctic glaciers, the materials for an undergraduate course, your PHD thesis, or even a cookbook – more manageable. This workshop is geared towards all skill levels, but first-time and novice users are encouraged and prioritized.


  • Keshav Malik

    GDSC Lead

  • Harsh Pal

    Creative Team

  • Ishaan .

    Open Source Team

  • Kumar Kartikeya

    Management Team

  • Himanshu Chhatwal

    Outreach & Sponsorship Team

  • Aditya Srivastava

    App Development Team

  • Ishita Malik

    Creative Team

  • Pranav Kumar Tripathi

    Web Development Team

  • Ankur Chauhan

    Event Management Team

  • Prateek Tiwari

    Event Management

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