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Javascript, Asynchronous JS, Fetch API - Workshop Front-End #2

Binus University Bandung - Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Javascript, Asynchronous JS, Fetch API - Workshop Front-End #2

Key Themes


About this event

Javascript, Asynchronous JS, Fetch API - Workshop Front-End #2

Welcome to the Frontend Development Workshop, where creativity converges with code to shape seamless user experiences! Join us for an immersive journey into the world of frontend development, where we'll delve into the tools, techniques, and trends driving modern web design.

Dates: 17 May 2024

Time: 19.30-21.00

WA Group :

What You'll Experience:

-Unveiling the User Interface:

Explore the principles of UI/UX design and learn how to create visually stunning interfaces that captivate and engage users.

- Mastering Modern Frameworks:

Dive deep into popular frontend frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js, and discover how to build dynamic and responsive web applications.

- Coding with Creativity:

Unlock the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to bring your design visions to life, while honing your coding skills along the way.

- Collaborative Projects:

Work hands-on with fellow participants on real-world projects, gaining practical experience and insights into effective teamwork in frontend development.

Join us on this exciting journey to unlock the secrets of frontend development and craft unforgettable user experiences!

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  • Fannan Fauzan Fardhurohman

    GDSC Lead

  • Ethan Mathias

    Bina Nusantara University

    Co Lead

  • Fajar Hamka

    Lead Div Programatik

  • Raihan Elta

    Core Team

  • Marvelius Putra Kenardi

    Core Team

  • Chelsea Ng

    Core Team

  • Dimas Dani

    Core Team

  • jesslyn amanda

    BINUS University

    Core Team

  • paulus theodore kumala

    Core Team

  • Marcel Kurniawan

    BINUS University

    Core Team

  • Syahla Aurellia Kanista

    Core Team

  • Putri Aviarta

    Core Team

  • Callista AH

    Core Team

  • debora evlyn atmadjaja

    Core Team

  • Natasya Felicia

    Bina Nusantara

    Core Team

  • Haikal Hamizan

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  • kornelia rahayu

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  • pelangi rom

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  • Vanessa Audreylia

    Core Team

  • Muhammad Rizki Afdolli

    Bina Nusantara University

    Core Team

  • Elang Uno Nugraha

    Core Team

  • Arya Maulana

    Bina Nusantara University

    Core Team

  • Cynthia Shabrina

    Core Team

  • tania yundra

    Core Team

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